Thursday, 14 July 2011

Things I've liked this week

Astronomy Picture of the Day
Atlantis' last approach to the International Space Station. A view from the space station of the shuttle with the Bahamas in the background.

Pagan stuff
A silly little story that amused me - a Christian group opposed a meeting of Pagans and threatened a protest, but while loads of Pagans turned up, no Christians did. Via A Bad Witch's Blog.

Writing stuff
A useful post on making the most of the feedback you get from critique groups and editors from the Blog.


Martin Willoughby said...

I loved the pagan story and the christain group had no one to comment on the no-show.

As for the photo, I always find space shots terrific.

DRC said...

Pagans 1: Christians 0

It irks me when people try to force their religious beliefs on you, and I'm happy for the pagans.

Seriously getting into astronomy pic of the day...

Unknown said...

Love, love, love APOD :-) Glad you're enjoying it.