Friday, 2 January 2009

Crossed Genres Issue 2

Crossed Genres is a new online magazine that specialises in scifi/fantasy stories that have elements of another genre. Issue 2 has four dystopian scifi/fantasy stories.

Of the four, Nesting Instinct is the best. It may be a result of the dystopian theme but I found the stories hard work. Too much telling, too much description of a future world and not enough story for my taste. All of the stories lack action and dialogue; character and plot are sacrificed in favour of describing the dystopia.

Still, Crossed Genres is a new magazine and I'm willing to give it a few more issues to see if the quality varies with the theme.

They have announced that with Issue 4, Crossed Genres will become a paying market. They are looking for fiction, articles and artwork, so see the submission guidelines for more information.

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