Friday 23 September 2011

A Read of A Dance with Dragons - Part 43

Chapter 42 - The King's Prize

Stannis Baratheon is marching on Winterfell. Asha Greyjoy is chained up in a baggage wagon. The march starts off well enough and they make good time. Once into the Wolfswood it starts to snow which makes the going harder. The northerners fare better than the southerners but they are losing men and horses, and provisions are running low.

They press on but sometimes are only moving a mile or so a day. The northerners and southerners argue about whether they should have come. The northerners say it's only a little snow and anyway it's better to die fighting than to be frozen to death. They stop at a village where they can fish. In the morning they're completely snowed in.


Oh, Stannis, it does not look good for you. If you get to Winterfell your men will be starving and weak and all Roose will have to do is let you sit outside, starving and freezing.

1 comment:

Isis Rushdan said...

I haven't started this one yet. Your commentary cracked me up. I need to get to this on my TBR list.